Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

A warm welcome to my humble space in cyberland. I hope you'll have a meaningful visit.
Assalamualaikum and Good Evening,

Nothing happened special today..just, i am not attend my Sir Khairul class coz, i out of sleep..I slept at 4am yesterday..doing my presentation Sir Khairul class..

This my iftar on Tuesday (17 August 2010) : Nasi Dagang, Keropok Lekor, Kuih Dal & Air Buah

This my iftar on Wednesday (18 August 2010) : Char Keow Teow, Popia, Wantan & Air Buah
Kebab - for sahur

Today's Advice : Send Thank You Notes with Heartfelt Quotes..


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