Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

A warm welcome to my humble space in cyberland. I hope you'll have a meaningful visit.
Assalamualaikum and Good Morning,

I'm back to study back after 'goyang kaki' without book at my hometown..yuhuuu..Actually, i go back to KL with my brother (A.Ayung). Last night (Sunday), i go to Melaka with him at 11.30pm o'clock..N then, we're arrived Melaka at 1.15am..I''m not sleep in car because, i fear if my brother sleepy (to company him). N then, after sahur we go to KL at 6.16am..Ira has a class at 8am. but, we're arrived at UM at 8.30am..She still goes to class. Good Student! :)

My brother drop me at LRT Masjid Jamek. Something funny happened.hehe..Actually, LRT nearly with UIA is LRT Gombak..So, I have to buy Gombak ticket right? but, i buy Bukit Jalil ticket..Thanks God, i realize everything when i climb the stairs..huhu..i go back n buy Gombak ticket..So, I wasted RM1.90 (Bukit Jalil ticket), because it cannot be claim..hehe..So tired mayb! I arrived at UIA at 10.15 am..after that, i sleep until azan zuhr...

Today, i iftar nasi kerabu, air tebu, donat & cucur badak...Everything i buy at Bazaar UIA..So Full! Alhamdulillah...

Today's Advice : Never Think Down, Always Think Up!!!


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