Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

A warm welcome to my humble space in cyberland. I hope you'll have a meaningful visit.
Assalamualaikum and Good Morning,

Hi, I do not forgot what happened whole this day..Never!..

1) Madam talked about 'remembering sentence in IELTS essay was not work'. Is she insinuating me? O Allah, pls give me guide that she not talked about me..Sometimes, i think that she not satisfied with me. Am I doing wrong with u, mdm? Frustrated!
Hopefully, it is only my feeling. And she not insinuating me, actually...Ameen.....

2) I am ravenous! hehe...sorry to say that!. Maybe, it the effect of i am not wake up for 'sahur' and for yesterday, i do not take any food except 'Roti Telur Gulung + hotdog'. Only that!.I was trembling. I am not study whole the evening...O Allah, pls help me! On 6pm, i was going down to buy food for 'Iftar'...
The conclusion is, i forgot my key in my room..How can i go in my room? OMG....Spare Key in mahallah office. but, it already close. I tried to open by card. but, it not work! I am just thinking that i have to go Bangsar (Siti's Rental House) because, i can 'buka' at there, solat by her telekung and sleep there ( i bring my car key - cause fear not have any food in my cafe, so can go any else cafe)
Lastly, i knocked 'Lulu' (my roommate) door, and i told her..n then, she told me that our fellow got the office key..but, i dont have my phone...Fortunately, she gave me her phone to make one call..Thanks so much Lulu (actually, i am not sure her name :))..Finally, i got the key and i can go in my room...Exhausted!

3) I cannot eat for 'iftar'..I felt that i want to vomit..I was crying once azan maghrib, because i fell very lonely...I am lone now..Nobody eat with me! Uwa....After a mouthful of rice, i cannot stand anymore!..I going to lie down, and the result is, i sleep until 8.15pm...O Allah, pls forgive me!..I am not pray yet..
After Maghrib pray, i continue eat..I am okay now!.
Because of that, i am not going to 'Solat Tarawih' at mosque..I do it myself..Sorrowful!

All at above are my challenges on 1st Ramadhan...Hopefully, all of that can make me more patienceable...Ameen


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