Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

A warm welcome to my humble space in cyberland. I hope you'll have a meaningful visit.
Assalamualaikum and Good Evening...

Hi, dah lame rasanya x update my blog...Recently, i am study back. ALHAMDULILLAH...It was very tough situation actlly to study there..For information, i am not start kuliyyah yet cause i have to take Pre-session for 4 months..It is because, i got Band 5 for my EPT examination which i have to get Band 6 for enter pity right?...but, everything is great. Now, i know how English is important in our life..I was thankful to Allah cause all of this have is right? hehe...I felt how study in International University, I got foreigner friend, I communicated with foreigner by using English language..Ya Allah, my life has improvement...huhaha...

I am still very anxious about my speaking..It is not so fluent..I do not know what the best way to help me in this problem..Actually, i was chaotic, cause i am thinking of many thing..i am not good also in reading and writing...Ya Allah, i have to triple my effort now..
I am watching English movies, I listening English songs, I reading Grammar book and novel...but, it not give me confidential in speaking.uwaaa...Ya Allah, please help me pls...I hope all of this because i am still at beginning...hopefully, everything will be fine tomorrow and forward, especially the time of EPT examination...Ameen..



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