Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Assalamualaikum and Good Evening,

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI for all my family members, friends, etc..Today is 19 Syawal 1431 H. It means that we still in Eid mood. So, we have to go 'beraya' now...heheh :)

For last weekend, i did crazy work...I will write it one by one :

Saturday (25 September 2010)

1.00 pm : went to Bangsar for pick Siti (cause we want to attend K.Haezmelia open house)
1.30 pm : arrived at Siti's House and went to office (cause we planed to go together with K.Cat, K,Faz & Nisa)
1.45 pm : arrived at office (go upstairs cause K.Cat still not in office - also for solat)
2.30 pm : went to Sis Haezmelia's house (we lost...huhu)
4.00 pm : arrived at Sis Haezmelia;s house (its raining that time - I meet Hafiz & Sis Jannah)
5.30 pm : going back to Bangsar (for take Siti's clothes cause tonight she sleep in IIUM - cause tonight we want go to beraya at Cikgu Azmah house)
7.00 pm : arrives at IIUM
8.00 pm : prepared to go Cikgu Azmah's house
8.30 pm : change plan : go to Hanisah;s house cause Anoor n the geng was not going back yet (go together with them)
9.00 pm : Aisyah n the geng arrived at Giant Bt. Caves (n we are stuck in jam..either hanisah nor C.Azmah we cannot go)
9.15 pm : we turned back (it means we want go to C.Azmah's house)
9.30 pm : Alhamdulillah, we meet Annor n the geng at Giant Bt. Cave...Then, we start our journey to ULU YAM
11.00 pm : still not found the house
12.00 pm : still not found the house
12.30 pm : Finally, we arrived at Cikgu Azmah's house (Ya Lal haul)

Once we arrived at Cikgu Azmah's house, we laughing together coz, no body 'beraya' on 12.30am....its crazy work..
FYI, Cikgu Azmah already prepared the place to sleep...She not give us to go back..We are very tired...

1.15 am : We eat
2.00 am : Sleep time


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