Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

A warm welcome to my humble space in cyberland. I hope you'll have a meaningful visit.
Assalamualaikum & Good Afternoon,

I got my mid-term result today..Alhamdulillah...I got Band 6 for both writing..But, I got Band 4 for Reading...heheh...I have to push out myself...O Allah, May Allah bless in all i do in my life...Allahu Akbar...actually it not expected result. coz, i very upset after i do my mid-term exam. I dont know what i write in my paper...But, everything was done...Alhamdulillah...
Hopefully I got the same result for EPT in writing....InsyaAllah...Ameen....

"STRIVE FOR SUCCESS"....Struggle....Try very hard...

Chaiyok...Chaiyok....ALLAH always with me.... I will enter my kuliyyah next semester..InsyaAllah...Ameen.... :)



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