Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

A warm welcome to my humble space in cyberland. I hope you'll have a meaningful visit.
Assalamualaikum & Good Afternoon,

I got my mid-term result today..Alhamdulillah...I got Band 6 for both writing..But, I got Band 4 for Reading...heheh...I have to push out myself...O Allah, May Allah bless in all i do in my life...Allahu Akbar...actually it not expected result. coz, i very upset after i do my mid-term exam. I dont know what i write in my paper...But, everything was done...Alhamdulillah...
Hopefully I got the same result for EPT in writing....InsyaAllah...Ameen....

"STRIVE FOR SUCCESS"....Struggle....Try very hard...

Chaiyok...Chaiyok....ALLAH always with me.... I will enter my kuliyyah next semester..InsyaAllah...Ameen.... :)


Assalamualaikum and Good Evening,

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI for all my family members, friends, etc..Today is 19 Syawal 1431 H. It means that we still in Eid mood. So, we have to go 'beraya' now...heheh :)

For last weekend, i did crazy work...I will write it one by one :

Saturday (25 September 2010)

1.00 pm : went to Bangsar for pick Siti (cause we want to attend K.Haezmelia open house)
1.30 pm : arrived at Siti's House and went to office (cause we planed to go together with K.Cat, K,Faz & Nisa)
1.45 pm : arrived at office (go upstairs cause K.Cat still not in office - also for solat)
2.30 pm : went to Sis Haezmelia's house (we lost...huhu)
4.00 pm : arrived at Sis Haezmelia;s house (its raining that time - I meet Hafiz & Sis Jannah)
5.30 pm : going back to Bangsar (for take Siti's clothes cause tonight she sleep in IIUM - cause tonight we want go to beraya at Cikgu Azmah house)
7.00 pm : arrives at IIUM
8.00 pm : prepared to go Cikgu Azmah's house
8.30 pm : change plan : go to Hanisah;s house cause Anoor n the geng was not going back yet (go together with them)
9.00 pm : Aisyah n the geng arrived at Giant Bt. Caves (n we are stuck in jam..either hanisah nor C.Azmah we cannot go)
9.15 pm : we turned back (it means we want go to C.Azmah's house)
9.30 pm : Alhamdulillah, we meet Annor n the geng at Giant Bt. Cave...Then, we start our journey to ULU YAM
11.00 pm : still not found the house
12.00 pm : still not found the house
12.30 pm : Finally, we arrived at Cikgu Azmah's house (Ya Lal haul)

Once we arrived at Cikgu Azmah's house, we laughing together coz, no body 'beraya' on 12.30am....its crazy work..
FYI, Cikgu Azmah already prepared the place to sleep...She not give us to go back..We are very tired...

1.15 am : We eat
2.00 am : Sleep time
Assalamualaikum and Good Evening,

Im in hospital now..not because of i am sick. It is because of my grandfather was sick..I was company him..Not only me, my mom also...
Actually, he gets fever from Friday (once im at home) & his leg was 'bengkak & merah'.
From begin, we dont want to let him stay in hospital, only to check up his leg. But, because of his diabetise was high..he was arrested...
O Allah, I hope that my grandfather will be fine and will be go home tomorrow..Ameen...May Allah 'makbul' my wish...Ameen...I want to celebrate Eid with my whole family mawaddah and sakinah,..Ameen...Pls YA ALLAH...

Assalamualaikum & Good Evening,

Alhamdulillah...I got my Baju Raya & Kasut Raya..I went to Giant Dmansara..with Liyana K, Liyana AR & Farahani...Attached are Bj & Kasut Rya 1431H

I like kid...cause, they a miracle that created by Allah..

Assalamualaikum and Good Evening,

Two days more for going back..yahouuuu...Allahumma yassir wala tuassir...Ameen...I dont do anything for Eid celebration..I dont have Baju Raya, Kasut Raya etc...but, i will go to shopping tomorrow, after class...InsyaAllah...Erm, what colour ah? still thinking...sheer confuse... hehe :)

Just for information :My dad already fly to umrah on last Sunday (29th Aug 2010)..Depart at KLIA..whole my family come to KL...May Allah open my dad heart to easy get guide...Ameen...May Allah bless u dad...

Today's Advice : Dare to take chances.

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