Assalamualaikum & Good Evening,
I just want to say that i was not comfortable with all the thing i do in my life now...because, my mind always thinking about EPT....I can enter kuliyyah or not for next semester???? Ya Allah, pls help me...pls guide me in anything i do...pls give me strength to front of all of this....Hopefully, i can enter kuliyyah for next semester (starting on 13 December 2010)...Ameen
Today's Vocabulary :
Stiff : keterlaluan ; amat sangat = The opera bored me stiff
fuse : bersambung / disatukan = The two companies are fused by their common interests
manifested : shown = The parents may have manifested negative
trigger : set off / mencetuskan = The smoke triggered off the alarm
vulnerable : susceptible / x dilindungi = The election defeat puts the party leader in a vulnerable position
fatigue : keletihan y amat sgt = We were all suffering from fatigue at the end of our journey.
ample : plenty of / cukup / luas / byk = The director of the company receives an ample salary.
evolve : berkembang = Male friendships are more apt to evolve from shared activities.
mild : lemah lembut = She's a very mild-mannered person.